Friday, July 25, 2008

What is so Grrrr-eat about Counter Culture?

you suck, and your a part of it.


after reading the cover story of this months Adbusters, in which the writer attacks so called "hipsters" for being the last in a long line of counter culture movements. So far removed are they from the agenda of the precursory cultural movements that they have brought an end to all counter culture and with it the fire and brimstone of the end of western civilization.

while the hippies were free lovin and stinking all over San Fransisco people were still working. Even artists were still working.

The reason i think that hipsters are so disappointing to many is that they HAVE jobs. With the exception of the Trusti-farian contingency that has bought up all real estate Williamsburg and Silverlake most of these "hipsters" actually are part of the establishment. and thats no fucking fun. There is no molotovs to light no rocks to hurl. There is only the simple joys of freezing a coworkers trac-ball, or peeing
in the coffee. And why you ask, is everybody a-workin' ? Because our precursory generations fucked it up for us all enough so that we have to work to pay for all their cultural misgivings. To fill the coffers of Social Security, and to keep the economy afloat. Because as we grew up we never saw a single change take place. We saw MTV we saw the wall come down and nothing changed, so we couldn't actually figure out the allure of the hippies, being counter-culture seemed so counter productive. We were all taught that if we worked we would be rewarded. And so we did. And our reward is the simple pleasure of being called a buzzkill. So what we blog about everything, wear stupid ironic takes on fashion, and drink piss beer , So what we snap stupid pictures of ourselves half-drunk-half naked face-down in the parking lot of the club you never pulled any wool from. If I work all day I am allowed to go out and whore if i want to. hell even if im using student loan money, and as for never creating anything and halting the counter culture movement on whole, I ask you, what did counter culture ever do for us any way?
